CLP Training for NEASC Visitors (virtual) - August 14-15, 2024

CLP Training for NEASC Visitors (international schools)

NEASC and IB  have been working to develop a new synchronized visit process to provide schools with a consolidated single experience to provide IB program evaluation and NEASC accreditation. The Collaborative Learning Protocol (CLP) leverages the alignment in approach between the two organizations and benefits schools by reducing the burden and duplication of effort. This shared protocol reflects our mutual values as international organizations committed to supporting robust learning communities.

This remote training, completed in two x 3 hour sessions will include many activities to provide participants with opportunities to think deeply about what makes learning effective in schools and how to explore evidence of impact of learning.  There will be discussion around the crosswalk between IB  PSP 2020 and ACE Learning Principles and how this can be leveraged to support school growth, as well as the logistics of the visits.


Wednesday. August 14, 2024
8:00pm - 11:00pm Australian Summer Time (UTC+10)
Thursday, August 15, 2024 
8:00pm - 11:00pm Australian Summer Time (UTC+10)
Attendance for both days required.

Virtual - zoom link provided in registration confirmation
  • Complete 2-3 hours of pre-training work
  • Attend the full 6-7 hours of training (both days) to qualify for CLP Visits.



IMPORTANT - Before registering for this training workshop, please ensure that you meet the following requirements and preferred qualities:

Participants MUST BE:
1. already NEASC confirmed Visitors and 
2. have IB experience 

Participants should have at least two years of leadership experience (teacher leaders are welcome) in an international school and some leadership role with IB, i.e. workshop leader, programme coordinator, IBEN or similar. Some previous accreditation experience is expected, but participants are not required to be currently working in a NEASC member school. The session is beneficial for those whose own schools are following NEASC accreditation process and are using IB curriculum.


Darlene Fisher International Accreditation Leader, NEASC Commission on International Education


Cost:  Complimentary