Resources - International Education
ACE Learning Resources

Learning Principle 1 - Learning Purposes
- What Kids Need to Learn Now to Succeed in 2050 (Yuval Noah Harari, Forge, 2018)
- A recipe for how high schools can foster deeper learning / Interview with Jal Mehta (Liz Mineo, Harvard Gazette, 2019)
- Using PBL to Encourage Interdisciplinary Work (Michelle McDowell,, 2020)
- Defining the skills citizens will need in the future world of work (M. Dondi, J. Klier, F. Panier, J. Schubert;, 2021)
Learning Principle 2 - Dimensions of Learning
- World Class Learners - Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Students (Yong Zhao, Corwin, 2012)
- GOA Norms and Rubrics for Online Learning (
- The Professional Development We Deserve | Identity, Education and Power (Sherri Spelic, Medium 2022)
Learning Principle 3 - Evidence of Learning
- At What Cost (David L. Gleason, 2017)
- What-Covid19 Has Illuminated About The Power of Self Evaluation To Make Assessment Meaningful (H. Hayes Jacob, B. Kallick, A. Zmuda;
- Four Practices to Support the Shift from Grading to Feedback (S. Tahir,, 2021)
- Measuring What Matters: Transforming assessment and recognition of complex competencies (free online course) (Melbourne Metrics, University of Melbourne, Australia)
Learning Principle 4 - Learning Perspectives
- Daring Classrooms with Brene Brown (video) (2017)
- Developing a Growth Mindset with Carol Dweck (video) (2014)
Learning Principle 5 - Learner Autonomy and Engagement
- Learning Personalized (A. Zmuda, D. Ullman, Jossey-Bass, 2015)
- Small shifts in Teacher Talk Make a Big Difference (M. Anderson,, 2021)
- The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives (W. Stixrud, N.Johnson; Viking, 2018)
Learning Principle 6 - Research, Reflection and Action
- Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation (T. Brown, HarperBusiness, 2009)
- What is Design Thinking and Why Is It So Popular? (Rikke Friis Dam, Teo Yu Siang;, 2021)
- Inquiry-driven teaching and learning: A general rubric (Harvard Graduate School of Education, Project Zero, 2020)
Learning Principle 7 - Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Belonging
- Pathways to Transformation – A Guide to Unlocking the Power and Potential of International Schools Grounded in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Belonging (
- Indicators of Educational Equity (
- Creating an inclusive classroom (Homa Tavanger,, 2017)
- Avoiding Racial Equity Detours (pdf) (Paul Gorski,, 2019)
- The pervasive problem of 'linguistic racism' (Christine Ro,, 2021)
- Equity in Gifted Education at International Schools (A. Churchville, S. Gallagher, C. Hogwood, TIE, 2024)
Learning Principle 8 - Governance and Leadership for Learning
- Is Yours a Learning Organization? (D. Gavin, A.C. Edmondson, F. Gino; Harvard Business Review, 2008)
- Leading Modern Learning: A Blueprint for Vision-Driven Schools: A Framework of Education Reform for Empowering Modern Learners (Jay McTighe, Greg Curtis; Solution Tree Press, 2019)
Learning Principle 9 - Learning Space and Time
- Australia's Campfires, Caves and Watering Holes (pdf) (Ann W. Davis, Kim Kappler-Hewitt; Learning & Leading with Technology, 2013)
- Designing Spaces for Effective Learning: A guide to 21st century learning space design (pdf) (JISC e-Learning and Innovation)
- David Thornburg on the Evolving Classroom / Big Thinkers Series (video) (2012)
- Day 9 Update: Making Time for Student-driven Learning | News Articles (, 2022)
Learning Principle 10 - Learning Community Wellbeing
- Social Emotional Learning & Child Self-Protection (SELCSP) Standards and Benchmarks for International Schools (US Office of Overseas Schools in collaboration with CASEL and ICMEC, 2023)
- How to Cultivate Belonging in Online Spaces (Matthew Piercy, GOA, 2022)
- Safe Passage: How mobility affects people & what international schools should do about it (Douglas W. Ota, Summertime, 2014)
- Supporting and Empowering students through SEL: NEASC Forum Webinar (video) (2021)
- What if Schools Valued Wellbeing more than Results (Tara Porter,, 2019)
International Education Webinars
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