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Contact us if you have a question about an invoice or your school's annual dues/fees. Please make sure to provide the invoice number for reference.
Please submit your NEASC-related expenses as indicated. Only out-of-pocket expenses connected with NEASC-related activities should be claimed. Personal expenses will not be reimbursed.
NEASC employees
Please process your expenses through Expensify. Contact NEASC Accounting if you need assistance.
NEASC volunteers
Please use the following form for expenses related to general volunteer work with NEASC:
NEASC Visiting Team Members
For school visits within the US:
- Each Visiting Team member should calculate all accumulated expenses related to the school visit and submit an expense report form to the Visit Chair before the conclusion of the school visit
For international school visits outside of the US
- Each Visiting Team member should complete and submit a NEASC expense report form — or the form provided by the school — and all receipts directly to the school during the visit. Reimbursements for authorized expenses must be claimed within two months following the visit
For all visits:
- Please attach receipts for out-of-pocket expenses such as meals, tips, etc.
- Reimbursement for personal automobile use within the US will be at the current IRS rate for travel, plus tolls. Please note the cost of gas is included in the IRS rate and should not be charged as a separate item.
- If alternative arrangements are needed for travel within the US, such as car rental or air travel, prior approval through the relevant NEASC Commission is required.
If you have any questions about expenses related to your specific school visit, please contact the Chair of your Visiting Team or your appointed NEASC Accreditation Coordinator.
Please direct your inquiries as follows:
Accounts Payable:
For help with payments to external vendors and individuals who are not employees
Accounts Receivable:
For help with invoices to schools or other external billing issues
General Accounting:
Mary Salzer, Accounting Manager, 781-425-7705