Resources - International Education

Resources - Visiting Teams for International Schools

Resources for Visiting Teams
Thank you for volunteering your time!

NEASC's Visiting Team Members are an outstanding asset to the process of accreditation. These well-trained peer reviewers put their best efforts forth when they visit our schools to observe teaching and learning, meet with members of the learning community, and validate the findings from the school's self-reflection. NEASC Visitors are excited about the future of education and interested in helping other schools gain traction for their improvements and transformations. Visitors are flexible thinkers, caring collaborators, fluent communicators, and generous with their time and talents.

Travel Arrangements for NEASC Visitors

For the convenience of our Visiting Team members, NEASC has contracted with Frosch Travel, an agency based in Washington, D.C. We recommend that you make all visit-related travel arrangements through Frosch to avoid personal out-of-pocket expenditures. Frosch will bill NEASC directly and we will, in turn, bill the host school. Please make sure to identify yourself as traveling for NEASC when you work with Frosch.

USDS International Travel Information
CDC Traveler's Health and Notices

NEASC Visit Logistics

NEASC Visitors and schools should view our Visit Logistics guide to help ensure smooth coordination of travel and accreditation visits.

Not yet on a Visiting Team? Get involved!

All those interested in serving as a Visitor for the NEASC Commission on International Education must first read the following document which includes the detailed steps and requirements for approval:

Those interested in serving as a Visitor for the NEASC Commission on International Education must meet the following requirements and preferred qualities:

  • NEASC Accreditation Visitor Requirements
    • Minimum of 5 years of educational experience
    • Mid- to senior-level leadership experience 
    • Strong understanding of modern approaches to learning and teaching
    • Deep understanding of whole school operations
    • Understanding of NEASC philosophy and accreditation processes
    • Strong interpersonal communication skills and technical written English