Pathways to Accreditation - International Education
Standard Pathway - International Education

Standard Pathway
A focus on building strong foundations
The Standard Pathway to NEASC Accreditation is for schools on a longer developmental continuum that allows a focus on building strong foundations that support a safe, sustainable, and effective learning community. A school accredited on the Standard Pathway is expected to pursue the ACE Pathway during subsequent accreditation cycles.
- Learning Structure
- Organizational Structure
- Health, Safety, and Security
- Finance, Facilities, and Resources
- Ethical Practice
- Boarding/Residential (if any)
Learning and Teaching
- The school is driven by clear Guiding Statements that influence decision making.
- Learning experiences are balanced between content, skills and dispositions.
- Assessment methods provide valuable feedback to students, parents and teachers to enhance learning.
- Students are engaged in their own learning.
- Co-curricular activities provide additional opportunities for learning outside of the school day.
- The school uses space and time structures in ways that contribute to student learning.
- Technology and other learning resources are used to promote learning and to prepare students for an interconnected world.
- Professional development opportunities support the learning and growth of all teaching and nonteaching staff.
Wellness and Inclusion
- Students and staff members community members enjoy opportunities to engage with creative, physical and social aspects of the school community.
- Individuals and groups of individuals in the school are respected for their unique perspectives and contributions.
- SEN and EAL students are well served so they may effectively learn.
- Students are effectively supported and prepared for all transitions.
- Students are supported in their social-emotional well-being as well as in their planning for their futures.
- The learning community intentionally encourages a culture of collaboration among all stakeholders.
- Communication internally and externally contributes to a healthy learning community.
- External Partnerships serve to expand the capacity of the learning community.
- The school ensures that leadership is effective at improving and sustaining learning.
- The school fosters a positive environment with an open climate and high morale.
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