Resources - Independent Schools
Resources for Independent Schools
Preparing for NEASC Accreditation
Independent schools preparing a NEASC Accreditation Visit should take the following steps:
- Once notified by the Director of the Commission that a school accreditation visit is due, the Head of School and/or Self-Study coordinators should register to attend a Self-Study Workshop
- view details and how to register for a workshop
- view Self-Study resources
- Following that and prior to beginning the Self-Study, a date will be scheduled for a NEASC staff member to meet with faculty and administrators. Any changes to the Standards and/or process that have occurred since the last accreditation visit will be reviewed.
- Once the school is up to date on the Self-Study process, the work can begin. Generally, it takes 18 months to two years to complete the Self-Study.
The process of NEASC Accreditation is an ongoing partnership. Schools will be in contact with NEASC for support and to provide periodic reports between scheduled school visits.
- Please view a list of required reports and other information that may be requested by NEASC.
Please note that it is a requirement that schools participate fully in the peer review process and that school personnel serve on visiting team to other schools.
Promote your NEASC Accreditation
Member schools/institutions accredited by NEASC may request a copy of the "NEASC Accredited" logo for use in their organization's materials. Please note that logo requests must be submitted by an administrative officer of a member institution.