Student social-emotional health: perspectives, pathways, possibilities

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Student social-emotional health: perspectives, pathways, possibilities (2 March 2021)
Panelists from three distinct schools and the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence (YCEI) shared their perspectives on the social-emotional health of students and building skills within a school community that will support and sustain positive emotional climates. A variety of paths forward to developing emotional intelligence and a healthier school environment were discussed.


Holly Brabson - School Adjustment Counselor
Manchester Essex Regional High School - Manchester-by-the Sea, MA, USA

Joe Elbertson, YCEI Trainer, Music Teacher
Kolbe Cathedral HS - Bridgeport, CT, USA

Nicole Elbertson, Director of Content and Communication
Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence (YCEI), New Haven, CT, USA

Jeff Levin, Life Coach
Worked with Bishop Guertin High School

Tricia Puglisi - Principal
Manchester Essex Regional High School - Manchester-by-the Sea, MA, USA

Jason Strniste, Principal
Bishop Guertin High School - Nashua, NH, USA



Emotional Intelligence

RULER - an evidence-based approach to social and emotional learning (SEL) developed at YCEI

Free CourseManaging Emotions in Times of Uncertainty & Stress (offered by Yale)

The Conflict Blueprint (Sesa Woruban Integrated Counselling Services, Inc.)