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Vision of the Graduate

Vision of the Graduate

Schools are preparing graduates for a future that requires them to not only have content knowledge, but also the transferable skills and dispositions necessary for success in a diverse and rapidly changing world. For students to think critically, work collaboratively, and learn deeply, these important attributes must be defined clearly by schools, and systems must be put in place to authentically asses and give feedback to students on their progress toward proficiency. To support this core transformative work, the NEASC Standards for Accreditation ask that schools develop a Vision of the Graduate (also known as Portrait of a Learner or Collective Vision for Student Success).

The Vision of the Graduate embeds essential life skills into expectations of our schools. It’s not just content and academics. It’s about building transferable skills needed for our students to be successful in their future.
— Erin Palonen, Principal, Griswold High School, CT

We are pleased to provide assistance to schools and districts for developing and implementing their own Vision of the Graduate through comprehensive workshops, coaching/cohorts, study groups, and online resources.

Professional Learning

Workshops (in person)
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The Vision of the Graduate in Practice: One School's Vision of the Graduate Journey
Perhaps the most important challenge facing educational leaders is shifting the focus of teaching and learning from content knowledge to skill development. The Vision of a Graduate (VoG) provides a framework that helps schools in this work. This comprehensive workshop will highlight one school’s journey while providing scalable strategies that take the VoG from idea to implementation. 

Two sessions are currently available:

Coaching + Cohort
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You have a Vision of the Graduate… now what?
Starting in the fall of 2024, we will facilitate personalized, school-specific coaching plus a collaborative cohort experience for teams of educators, leaders, and students from public or independent schools/districts who will lead the work of implementing the vision of the graduate in their schools. Sessions will be scheduled throughout the 2024-25 school year based on participant availability.

To participate, fill out an interest form by July 31st.

Workshop Series (virtual)
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Designed for group participation, this comprehensive two-part workshop series (four days total) will provide teams from schools/districts a better understanding of the importance and implications of a Vision of the Graduate, a framework for creating and/or revising their Vision, and the tools to build authentic assessment to ensure that learners thrive.

  • Part 1: Designing the Vision of the Graduate (LEARN MORE)
  • Part 2: Implementing and Assessing a Vision of the Graduate (LEARN MORE)

Two sessions are currently available:

Peer Study Groups for Independent Schools
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Starting in the fall of 2024, NEASC will facilitate peer study groups for our member independent schools to provide a collaborative environment where educators can share ideas, hear diverse perspectives, and seek solutions for developing a collective vision for student success through a Vision of the Graduate (VoG). A moderator with significant VoG experience will be available to guide the conversations and advise on next steps. 

To participate, fill out an interest form by July 31st.

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VoG at #NEASC2024 - Pre-conference Workshop

A Collective Vision for Student Success: Creation, Implementation, and Assessment of your Vision of the Graduate/Portrait of the Learner

Learn how schools across New England have used the Vision of the Graduate to align curriculum, bring staff together around shared philosophy, and assess student success. Presenters and NEASC staff will share examples of successful implementation, and resources and ideas for bringing this process in your school.

View details and registration instructions


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Guide to Developing and Implementing a Vision of the Graduate

Send us an email to request a copy of the comprehensive guide developed by NEASC for schools seeking to develop and implement a Vision of the Graduate in their learning community. Please note that the guide is only available as a PDF.

Request a copy

Community comments

The Vision of the Graduate, at it's most basic, is intended to support more equitable outcomes for all students and ensure that when they graduate high school, they are prepared to find success in their lives. We asked workshop participants to share their thoughts on:

The Vision of the Graduate:
What it is...
  • Traits, attributes, transferable skills
  • Universal and unifying (district-wide)
  • Aspirational and action oriented
  • Community specific and culturally relevant
  • Accessible and inclusive
  • Aligned with SEL and other work



What it isn't...
  • Content-specific
  • Easy to measure/quantitative
  • A rubric or curriculum
  • Passive
  • Linear/finite
  • A poster on the wall



The impact...
  • Help a school community unify, define what is important, communicate these values consistently, and be aspirational.
  • Give students and teachers a more inclusive definition of success and a more positive relationship with failure.
  • Build self-guided individuals apt to find their passion and pathway into the future.
  • Take focus off of grades and instead focus on what it means to be a life-long learner and overall successful person.
  • Cultivate well-rounded, ethical leaders, nurturing global citizenship, resilience, and a positive impact.