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The Value of K-12 Accreditation

NECHE on K-12 Accreditation

A Statement by the New England Commission of Higher Education

The six New England states share a long and rich history in education, recognized for excellence around the world. The oldest United States university, public school and independent schools were all founded in New England. Over the centuries, the deep foundations of New England schools and colleges supported the economic, civic, scientific, artistic and technological life of the region. Accreditation both maintains and enhances this vitality. Through accreditation, institutions hold themselves to high mutual standards, assess their strengths and challenges, undergo regular peer review and constantly aspire to greater achievement. 

Thus, the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) affirms the significant value of accreditation at all levels of education. 

The K-12 Commissions of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) — the Commission on Public Schools, the Commission on Independent Schools, and the Commission on International Education — carry out accreditation at the primary, elementary, and secondary levels in New England and around the world. 

The work of these three Commissions mirrors our work in higher education by: 

  • providing institutional accountability that is research based, peer-reviewed, continuously monitored and both voluntary and comprehensive
  • ensuring substantial compliance with established qualitative standards regularly reviewed by their membership
  • offering candid, objective and comprehensive evaluations carried out with the utmost integrity, commitment and discretion
  • respecting differences in institutional mission, populations and cultures
  • engaging an entire educational community in structured analysis, self-reflection, review and planning
  • offering specific commendations and recommendations to drive improvement within each educational community 

In both the United States and abroad, these three Commissions promote educational quality and accountability.

NECHE understands that institutions of higher education, in selecting students for admission, consider a variety of student, school and community factors. NECHE affirms that post-secondary institutions recognize that a school’s accreditation through one of the three NEASC Commissions demonstrates its commitment to high standards, rigorous review and ongoing accountability. NEASC accreditation merits strong consideration in the admissions decision. 

In pursuit of common goals and interests between the higher education and K-12 education communities in the United States and around the world, NECHE values its collaboration with NEASC as a trusted strategic partner.