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NEASC partners with schools to assess, support, and promote high quality education for all students through accreditation, professional assistance, and pursuit of best practices.

Approved by the NEASC Board of Trustees on December 13, 2018

Our Goals

The New England Association of Schools and Colleges aspires to provide a process for meaningful, ongoing whole school improvement and growth while honoring the unique culture and context of each institution we support.

In this spirit, NEASC:

  • Encourages the pursuit of a unique mission in distinctive circumstances by each member.
  • Advocates for thoughtful self-reflection guided by objective peer review.
  • Promotes public recognition of the challenges that accredited institutions face both in common and in particular.
  • Elucidates the value, philosophy, and practice of accreditation for our member schools, the public, legislative bodies, and governing boards.
  • Assists member schools in navigating accreditation in a context often dictated by federal, state, or local mandates and by limited means.

Our Assurance

"Accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges" assures that our members:

  • Strive to achieve rigorous and common standards in education
  • Demonstrate substantive institutional commitment to continual improvement
  • Commit to balancing the creative tensions that exist between local autonomy and public authority
  • Nurture individual creative accomplishment

Accreditation is a catalyst for school improvement and growth.

NEASC Equity Vision, Beliefs, and Commitments

Commission Statements

NEASC Commission on Independent Schools

To assure the positive and equitable development of all students, inspire creativity, foster excellence and promote institutional well-being, NEASC Accreditation engages schools in aspirational, mission-driven self-study and peer review.

Approved by the NEASC Commission on Independent Schools, February 2020

NEASC Commission on International Education

The NEASC Commission on International Education evaluates, accredits, and supports international educational institutions and programs from early childhood through secondary school in accordance with standards of best educational practice. The Commission leads educational discourse and action, is a catalyst for innovation, and advocates for ethical conduct in education.

We support our mission by:

  • developing Standards, Principles, and Indicators that are aligned with best educational practice and validated by research
  • supporting member institutions committed to self-reflection, critical review, and continuous improvement
  • promoting transformative approaches to education
  • modeling our mission by inviting peer review and externally moderated evaluation
  • initiating and participating in future-oriented educational forums and discussions
  • developing joint projects, accreditation protocols, and services in collaboration with other NEASC Commissions as well as other international organizations whose missions and programs align with our values and goals

NEASC Commission on Public Schools

The NEASC Commission on Public Schools, in partnership with its members, strives to ensure that all students experience an equitable, high-quality education necessary for their future success and well-being.

We will accomplish this mission through a cycle of continuous improvement and growth that includes:

  • quality, research based, Standards for Accreditation
  • an inclusive, collaborative process of Accreditation
  • an inquiry-based process of self-reflection
  • valid and reliable feedback and assessment through peer review
  • ongoing monitoring and professional support

Approved October 2018