Apostille Request

Request an Apostille (aka Hague Stamp) for academic documents

First step

To authenticate foreign academic credentials, transcripts, or degrees from K-12 schools accredited by NEASC, please complete and submit the Apostille Request Form below.

Next steps
  1. Once your request has been submitted and reviewed, you will then be asked to mail a certified copy of your document(s) to NEASC.
    • Important - Please do not mail your documents to us until you have been asked to do so. 
  2. After your documents have been received, reviewed, and approved for processing by NEASC, you will be contacted with additional payment instructions. 
    • Fee - The cost for each Apostille is $100 USD, which includes postage and handling. 
    • Important - Please do not submit payment to NEASC before you have received specific instructions.

For questions or concerns, please contact us at cie@neasc.org.

About Apostilles
What is an Apostille?
An Apostille, also sometimes referred to as a Hague Stamp, is a document that verifies the authenticity of the signature on the document; the capacity in which the person signing the document acted; and the identity of any stamp or seal affixed to the document. The Apostille is a specific form of authentication for countries that participate in the Hague Convention of 1961.
The Hague Conference (HCCH)
The Hague Convention of 1961
The purpose of the Hague Convention of 1961 is that it abolishes the requirement of diplomatic and consular legalization for public documents originating in one Convention country and intended for use in another. Documents issued in a Convention country which have been certified by a Convention Apostille are entitled to recognition in any other Convention country without any further authentication. Such recognition is an obligation on the part of the United States to the other countries party to the Convention and the federal courts and state authorities have been alerted to this obligation. Consular officers in Convention countries are prohibited from placing a certification over the Convention Apostille.


Apostille Request Form

Student Information
Please select one
Document Information
Document #1
Document country of origin
Country in which apostilled document will be presented
Document #2
Document country of origin
Country in which apostilled document will be presented
Document #3
Document country of origin
Country in which apostilled document will be presented
Document #4
Document country of origin
Country in which apostilled document will be presented
Document #5
Document country of origin
Country in which apostilled document will be presented
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